Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cold Day 3 ~ Staying Warm

Okay, weather days are exciting! The unexpected break from school is like a holiday. But by day 3, you're probably going a little stir crazy in the house. Complete the challenges below to get your brain back in shape for school Tuesday. Be sure to share your pictures and challenges on social media:

Twitter: @phschools & @Superjcain, using hash tag #1Phasd

Challenge 1 ~ Straight from the top!

When Superintendent Cain posted the cold day on Twitter he included this challenge. How can you change your house today by completing an Act of Kindness?

Challenge 2 ~ Reading

If you haven't read yet during your time off, today is your day! Find the warmest, coziest spot in your house and settle in. Post pics of your reading space and the book you are reading.

Challenge 3 ~ Our frozen Great Lakes

Compare ice coverage data from NOAA from this year with last year. What are 2 questions you have regarding ice coverage and the Great Lakes (Bonus if you research and find the answers to your questions!)?


  1. How much more ice coverage is there this year than last year by percentage?

    1. Great questions! Did you answer the questions you created? Perhaps next time we can get a meteorologist to respond.
