Thursday, February 19, 2015

A Little Kindness

Three challenges to keep you warm on your cold day! Share with your friends.

Challenge 1 ~ Acts of Kindness:  

Take Rachel's Challenge out of your school and in to your home. How can acts of kindness change your home, relationships and our community? Complete three acts of kindness today:
  1. An act of kindness for a family member.
  2. An act of kindness for a friend.
  3. An act of kindness toward yourself!

Challenge 2 ~ Reading:

Take a break from fiction reading today. Read a newspaper, magazine, nonfiction book, or articles online. Share what you read and why you were interested in the topic.

Juniors: Take a practice ACT reading test! Practice tests can be found online on the ACT website ( or at using the Learning Express Library database ACT practice tests.

Challenge 3 ~ Let's Get Moving:

It's no fun being stuck inside! So Let's get moving.
  • Design your own workout routine. Write out your plan and get everyone in your house to try it with you. Share your plan (bonus if you have a pic of your exercising!).
  • Do you have a Wii or Kinect game system? Play your favorite game or try a new exercise program.
  • Find an online video to try something new. Zumba, Yoga, Strength Exercises.
Don't forget to share pictures, what you have written or completed on Port Huron Area Schools social media.

Twitter: @PHschools and #1PHASD

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