Showing posts with label PD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PD. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Digital Learning Day

Friday, March 13th, Digital Learning Day, is an opportunity to celebrate digital learning that is already taking place. Identifying a specific day provides a focus for lesson planning and sharing. Instructional practice and student learning are always the focus. Make this day a goal for showcasing the opportunities that digital tools give us for formative assessment, anytime learning and individualized instruction.
"Digital learning is any instructional practice that effectively uses technology to strengthen a student’s learning experience. It emphasizes high-quality instruction and provides access to challenging content, feedback through formative assessment, opportunities for learning anytime and anywhere, and individualized instruction to ensure all students reach their full potential to succeed in college and a career." - See more at:

As we plan what to showcase, Troy Hicks (@hickstro) , Associate Professor of English at Central Michigan University, provides some push back of the possible intention behind the sponsors of Digital Learning Day in his blog post "Open Letter to Educators" . It is important to remember that digital learning is not using the computer to replace educators. Digital tools allow teachers to thoughtfully create experiences for student personalization and creation. How can we move beyond substitution and and move to higher levels of SAMR (augmentation, modification and redefinition)?. Thank you to Troy for recommended some of the following resources and providing thoughtful discussion on digital learning.

Resources to consider:

Don't forget to work with your instructional coaches, supervisors and technology integration specialists to collaborate on access to technology and assistance with implementation.

Share your story using a personal blog, Twitter (using hashtags #1phasd & #dld15) and your Facebook building page.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


An integral aspect of digital convergence is selecting, using and evaluating technology to personalize student learning. A leader in this field is Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the creator of the SAMR model. The model emphasizes that technology is embedded in the instruction practice, not the driver of instruction.

Introduction to the SAMR model for PHASD digital convergence:

Professional Development Activity:

  1. Review the presentation above.
  2. Distribute one set of handout scenarios per table. 
  3. Participants use the color-coded model sheet to determine where each scenario falls on the SAMR scale. 
    • Facilitators circulate and pose questions to guide thinking  about the model examples rather than confirm answers.
  4. Share out to group by have a member from each table hold up the examples of each level on the SAMR scale.
  5. After conferring as  whole group, and consensus of scale examples, participants are ready to create their own examples of the scale.
    • Participants could use a technology tool and determined how it would be used at each level of the SAMR model.
    • Participants could identify examples of each level using an assigned task (as identified in the video with an assignment to write a paper).
    • Participants could identify what is currently happening in their classroom/building that represents each level of the model.
    • Facilitators circulate tables and facilitate discussion, clearing up misunderstandings and answering questions.
    • Table groups record responses on sticky notes and post to posters around the room.
  6. As a whole group, discuss representations at each of the four levels of the model.