Friday, March 6, 2015

Instructional Shifts As We Prepare for M-STEP

The M-STEP test is coming quickly and educators are preparing students for this new testing experience.  The state test will assess the common core state standards, to which our curriculum is aligned.  Teachers can focus on three main things as we shift our instruction to ensure higher-level learning for our students.

  1. Focus on the common core.
  2. Use your NWEA data to guide your instruction.  (NWEA is aligned to the common core).
  3. Raise the rigor.

Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DoK) is a helpful tool to use when planning rigorous instruction.  This video provides a brief overview of the DoK levels.  The M-STEP will be measuring a much more in-depth level of understanding than MEAP.  On the M-STEP, students will be asked several questions at a DoK level 3 or 4, whereas MEAP mostly assessed DoK levels 1 and 2.  

So, how can you become more intentional in your planning to provide more higher-level learning experiences for your students? How will you incorporate more performance tasks into your classrooms?  Consider some of the resources listed below.  Don’t forget to share the great things you’re doing in your classrooms every day with our hashtag #1PHASD!


Have you checked out the M-STEP Preview and Sample Item Sets?  Visit the link below in Google Chrome for ELA and Math sample questions.

“Regardless of how you define ‘rigor,’ the important thing is that students are thinking deeply on a daily basis.”

~Gerald Aungst

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