Good morning Lake Shore!
Dr. DiPonio called a snow day last night, so hopefully all of you slept in knowing you didn't have to wake up for school. When days are called, you'll be get a challenge, something to keep you busy, while having fun, that we would like you to share out with us on Social Media.
Activity #1: Thank your Superintendent for the day off. For Lake Shore Public Schools students, that would be Dr. DiPonio. You could tweet him your appreciation at @DrDiPonio, make a card to bring to school tomorrow, or share on the Lake Shore Public Schools Facebook page. Be certain to include the hashtag #mylsps if posting to Twitter or Facebook. If you're not a Lake Shore Pubic Schools student, find your school's Facebook page, Instagram or the Twitter account of your Superintendent to share your personal thank you.
Activity #2: This activity comes from the "Random Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar". Today's Act of Kindness is to "think of a song that invokes a happy memory involving someone you care about. Then find that song on YouTube and email that person a link to the video. You might also want to add a brief note telling them how the song reminds you of the great times you had together." For our super star students looking for more of a challenge, record yourself singing the song.
Activity #3: Read 30 minutes. Your choice! This does not have to a school assignment. Reading to a younger sibling or friend also counts. For our middle and high school students, this is a great time to check out the ebook selection from the St. Clair Shore Public library. If you need help, you can always contact them. They are happy to provide technical support over the phone.
Most important activity of all? Bundle up and play outside! Don't forget your hat and mittens. It's cold out there.
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